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Knowing Your Vision Gives You Power
When you have a clear vision for your life, what you really want, you then have the power to create it. Until then, you’re stuck with your internal dialogue about who you are, what your past was like, and what you are doing now and whether you feel you have a say how you interact […]
Starting From Nothing After COVID 19
Sometimes in business, we have to regroup. When we’re going 100 miles an hour in one direction and whammo! Something goes wrong. Well, now we all know what that feels like. That’s a given. Perhaps its time to start over? A restart can be just the thing when something isn’t working. Take time to get […]
From Depression to Happiness – My Story
THE VIDEO tells the story: I went through a very intense six month depression at 29 years old, and it became the most significant period of my life. From that time on, I discovered the secret to happiness and to the riddle of the human condition. Riddle, because ultimately, it was a question I couldn’t […]
How to Find Meaning In Your Life When Life Seems Meaningless
A few years ago, I was wallowing in self-doubt and fear that I would never find my purpose, I didn’t know what I really wanted. I only knew I wanted to live a bigger life, serve more people. And then… I began my coaching program in 2016 to help women with anxiety and depression caused […]
For Enlightened Powerhouse Women
I am forming a community for women as an extension of my heart’s desire to create a new way of being in the world. Here’s who we are: We are enlightened powerhouse women who are executives, entrepreneurs, and college students who want to step boldly into our life purpose, expand our vision, create new businesses […]
Who Are Your Ideal Clients?
“When I first started coaching, I didn’t know who my clients were. I just knew I could help people with anxiety or depression. Having been through a bout of severe depression, and finding the answer to it by training my mind, I knew I could coach people through it. So I attracted clients who weren’t […]
A Course of Love – A Surprise
“The world as a state of being, as a whole, has entered a time, brought on largely by A Course in Miracles, in which readiness for miracle-mindedness is upon it. A Course in Miracles opened a door by threatening the ego. All those who, with egos weakened, walked this world with the hope of leaving ego behind, with […]
The Guiltless World
Do you know you are not guilty of anything? Have you accepted your innocence and become healed of the illusion of separation?In Chapter 13 of A Course in Miracles, we are given release from all guilt. When I first read this chapter, I was astonished. I was coming out of depression and these words really […]
Coming Into The Light
Everywhere I look I read about the idea that there is only One Mind. This idea stems from the fact of singularity, or One Creator. I love it. I don’t know if this means anything to a human, split mind, but when you accept total responsibility for every thought you think, every experience you have, […]
Love to Give
My only function here is to be happy. Is that difficult? At times, yes! I cannot be happy if you are not. I have to extend my light, my joy into your mind, because you are me! I have recently taken up massage to offer my love and healing energy to everyone. I find myself […]
Ahimsa…the practice of non-violence.
I was recently asked to write something about Ahimsa, or non-violence, by my yoga teacher. I am currently in massage school and this is a class I am taking. What is Ahimsa? Ahimsa: The idea that no one need suffer in order for me to be free. First of all, mind is singular. I am […]
The Third Jesus
I was reading Deepak Chopra’s book, The Third Jesus the other day. I really liked the idea he started with, that Jesus is more than a historical figure and a theological icon, but that his real message is one of personal transformation leading to awakening, or enlightenment. The idea is obvious, but I wondered if Deepak knows […]
Who is the seeker?
There really isn’t any explanation available to describe the process of awakening. It isn’t a process.Ultimately, you are a seeker and you have been seeking for a very long time to find the answer to “the riddle of yourself”. But you must have set up the seeking, the seeker and the one being sought. You, […]
Simply Do This: Stay Uncertain
In times of complete uncertainty, this is what helps me the most: Simply do this: Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself. Empty your mind of everything it thinks is either true or […]
Freedom From Fear – The Power of Now
My daily practice consists of the mind training of A Course in Miracles. This is an on-going practice of relinquishment of self-identity through the workbook lessons brilliantly organized by the author. In Eckart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now, he describes the mind that is ego. He also makes you stop and look at your own thought […]
How to Become Enlightened…continued
So, if you have done the work from the previous post, you can now, today, stop for a moment and just let go. All these ideas you had in your mind were just that. Ideas. They only had consequence in your mind. Cause and effect are never separate. One thought brings immediate results. This is […]
Release of Fear
It only takes about 15 minutes to get quiet and find an inner silence. This is a practice. It doesn’t have to take a long time. But just to set the tone for the day, to read a lesson or quiet the mind means you are dedicating your life to peace. Perfect peace is within […]
State of Grace
Are you tired of an endless spiritual search that only seems to lead you into more confusion? Do you wonder when you will reap the fruits of your search and actually find the peace that is promised in the traditions that lead to enlightenment? What does it mean to actually hit a true “bottom”? Have […]
What is A Course in Miracles?
Someone asked me to write an introduction to the Course. Well, here it is: Introduction to A Course in Miracles What is A Course in Miracles? It has been called a spiritual psychology, a spiritual mind training and a self-study course. It has no doctrine and no theology because it is designed to bring about […]
Fear Not: Its Valentine’s Day
Here’s a Valentines Day gift to yourself!The entire goal of the Course is peace. What is peace? Is it outside of you? Is it possible to achieve outer peace? Huh? If mind is singular and whole, how could peace be achieved in the outer? It can’t. You must go within and find the peace that […]
Give Up and Surrender
Listening within is the key to your awakening. Certainty of who you are is always available to you and you have no need to do anything to find it. You really can’t change yourself. You are not two selves in conflict. Fear is made up and you must get wise to your own tendency to […]
Healing is release from fear. The certainty that fear is not real is the premise upon which all healing rests. The one thing you never want to do is relinquish fear entirely because then, you, as you have constructed yourself, wouldn’t exist.You can’t really let go of fear, you can recognize that you made it […]
Self-Inquiry Master
A true enlightened Being assisting you with your awakening. For the last few days, I have been watching videos from Mooji, an awakened Being who teaches self-inquiry, a direct approach to enlightenment. I am in a state of grace from his teaching and feel that I cannot ignore this help. I want everyone to know […]
The Light Has Come
The light has come. Keep an open mind and clean up every concept you have made. Brighten it up, let go of the shadow figures that you have made up. They are not real.When you are fed up with your own limited identity, you surrender, you let yourself go…and all your cells reawaken and vibrate […]
Nothing You Cannot Do
To completely know that you have all power and that you can use this power to free yourself is where you come out of victimization. This is the answer to every problem you can construct for yourself. There is a way to truly find peace even in time and space by the very act of […]
When I am healed, I am not healed alone
Healing is freedom. It is shared. Healing is communication, healing is strength.How wonderful to know that you only need ask for healing for it to occur. It isn’t hard, it doesn’t take time. It comes when you want the alternative to your dreams of fear or suffering. This is the best part, that “as you […]
My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything
Lesson 10 is one of the most helpful lessons in the Course. If you only did the first 10 lessons every day, you would awaken. This is because it applies to all the thoughts you think are your real thoughts. These are your thoughts of yourself as a separate identity, in a body, with conflicting […]
Love your “enemies”: How to forgive
I found myself in a quandary recently with a friend who accused me of something I felt I did not do. I asked for help and my guide showed me how to use a firehose to send a blast of love to her. Here is how it works: I open the top of my head, […]
I Could See Peace Instead
This lesson entitled “I could see peace instead of this” is a confrontation. It first of all implies that you are not “seeing” peace. The mind is always upset about something, unless it is at peace. That’s logical, but joy is also peace, so when you are not joyful, you are not at peace. Be […]
You are a creator
Perhaps it is time for you to open to a new possibility that you are a creator, a Son of the Creator with creative abilities. These abilities you begin to utilize to free yourself from the victim dream. This dream is a sad dream where you are caught in beliefs that do not make you […]
Why have faith?
Man is a faithful animal, but what does he put his faith in? Faith means that in spite of the situation you are in and the doubts you are thinking, and the fears you harbor, you have a belief that there is a bigger thing going on. I want to energize this some more because […]
Do you need a spiritual teacher?
You are as God created you, and so is every living thing you look upon, regardless of the images you see. This sentence from Chapter 31, The Final Vision, states that what you behold as sickness, pain, weakness, suffering and loss “is but temptation to perceive yourself defenseless and in hell. Yield not to this, […]
Laughing at Fear
I just put together a bunch of new blog topics and this was at the top of my list. I wanted to share with you how easy it can be to release fear. The Course gives this line as the entire reason for the dream of separation or the descent into hell: “you had a […]
How a breakup can free you
I wanted to ask my readers who they are and what they are looking for, if they read the Course, or not and why. Do you seek spiritual guidance on the net? Where do you usually find it?I think that most people looking for spiritual guidance are like I was a few years back, 1990s […]
How a breakup can free you
You may have moments in your awakening where someone has let you down and you aren’t able to get beyond the feeling of disappointment, sadness or pain. I just went through this with a business partner and found myself wondering what happened, did I do something to bring about this occurrence? Is it a good […]
If you’ve never done the Course, Start Here
If you’ve never done the Course, Start Here If you have never done the Course in Miracles mind training, start here. This is what you need to do to begin: Get a copy of the Course in Miracles book, or read it online You must have a copy, or read the original Urtext version at The […]
Can’t meditate? Here’s help.
April 22, 2014 Leave a comment Can’t meditate? Here’s help. I just wanted to announce I have added this link to a 25 minute healing audio FREE that you will find permanently on the right column under my picture. Just click on this link from your laptop, phone or device. . Why would you want to do this? […]
5 Steps to Change your Beliefs
If you want to know what your beliefs are, listen to how you talk to yourself all day long. How does that barrage of thoughts make you feel? If it makes you feel bad, you are about to open to a new way of living where you choose to feel good and think those thoughts […]
20 Ways to Get Through a Breakup
In the midst of a breakup, you can get very confused, or you can use this list of ways to get through it. This is a way to speed up your awakening and healing from relationships. Forgiveness is key now but it might feel impossible to you. That is totally understandable. My husband announced two […]
8 Things you need to know to free your victim role
When someone betrays you, or doesn’t fulfill his or her promise to you or completely lets you down it’s very easy to feel abandoned, unloved, and confused. You may feel angry, shocked, disbelieving that this could happen to you, you wonder how you were blind and couldn’t see the motivations of the person who harmed […]
4 Reasons to Forgive
If you are harboring resentments with someone, which you probably are, even without consciously being aware of it, you need to go within yourself and ask: Is it worth it? Does hanging onto this really help me? The past is over and yet your body is a memory machine, your subconscious mind remembers everything that hurt you, until […]
How to create your new life in 8 steps
OK, so when life throws a big challenge your way, such as a break up of a marriage, (which is just what I went through in the past two months), there are some things to do to keep your head above water.After my husband announced he wanted to split up, I went through very intense emotions […]
7 Steps to Finding Great Love
What is great love? Do you want it, do you have it? Do you feel you have missed the boat or that you are seeking and not finding it? Guess what? You may be looking in the wrong place. What if you were absolutely certain that love was not something to find, but already resides within and you […]
The Zen of Yogi Berra
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” Yogi Berra How true this statement is. It seems obvious, but how many people just go through each day without an idea of where they are heading and end up somewhere “else”. And the somewhere else, is where you end up if you don’t have an […]
10 Myths About A Course in Miracles
Do you want to know more about A Course in Miracles, but are afraid to ask? Don’t know where to begin? Find it daunting? Think its too New Age? Read on. I dispel some common misconceptions about it and provide a bit of a primer for beginning to do the lessons: You have to read that whole […]
Get Rid of Fear Once and for All…
The secret to living without fear lies in one thing only: your desire to get rid of it. All creative and healing endeavors require you to move through fear. All desires of the heart to grow, to give and to love in all conditions require courage and faith. Remember, love and fear cannot coexist, as […]
Why do you need a mind training?
Quantum Physics states that cause and effect are not apart. The Law of Attraction states that you get the result of your thoughts instantly. So, you need to free your mind from the fear and negative energy that has bound you to the Earth in a separate state of existence. Does this make sense to you? If […]
How to Begin the Course in Miracles Lessons
How to Begin the Course in Miracles Lessons What if you don’t know how to meditate or to still your mind? I know how this is, when I first started doing A Course in Miracles, back in 1989, I had no idea how to meditate. I only knew that I needed help, I was anxious, depressed and the […]
How To Release Self-Doubt In An Instant
How To Release Self-Doubt In An Instant I see that now, 25 years after my discovery of spiritual reality, I am making big moves and growing from them. I find that my ability to trust God and follow my heart is easier now, but not without challenges. There are some doubts that come to the surface and […]
A Course of Love – A Surprise
“The world as a state of being, as a whole, has entered a time, brought on largely by A Course in Miracles, in which readiness for miracle-mindedness is upon it. A Course in Miracles opened a door by threatening the ego. All those who, with egos weakened, walked this world with the hope of leaving ego behind, with […]
How to wake up to the Real You using A Course in Miracles
Do you want to change your life but you don’t know where to start?DO you find you cannot make sense of your life and no matter what you do, you still are afraid? You just might want to try A Course in Miracles. Who does it and will it help me? People come to the Course […]
Potential to be Resurrected Now
What does it mean to have potential? Imagine you are the caterpillar and are within the cocoon awaiting your emergence as the butterfly. It’s dark in here, constriction, I can’t move very well, I feel suffocated and lost. No one is with me, I’m all alone and I don’t feel right, I feel small and […]
7 Steps to Use Faith to Change Your Life
7 Steps to Use Faith to Change Your Life Do you hate it when people say: keep the faith? Do you feel they are just being a Pollyanna? Keep the faith, yeah right. I used to feel this way, how ridiculous, I thought. They don’t know my story of how things didn’t work out the way […]
How to Let Go of your Past in 7 Steps
When you are struggling and can’t see through the pain you are in, I suggest you do this simple exercise in forgiveness. I love this because it really works. This is from Edwene Gaines in her classic book called The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. Take a large piece of paper or a journal and write […]
Who are my clients?
If you or someone you know: feels stuck, perhaps for a long time has tried traditional therapy but still feels stuck is uncertain of their purpose, who desires a more meaningful life, has talent and gifts perhaps untapped, knows they need to invest in their growth to have a breakthrough, is open to look […]
10 Tips to Stay Strong Through Lulls in Your New Business
Do you often feel slightly off? You were headed in a direction, then one thing seemed to upset the momentum and you felt undermined? A bit blurred around the edges? I know, I felt it recently. I was going strong, had a bunch of new clients show up and was really happy serving them, then, […]
How to Crush Self-doubt When You Are Starting Your New Business
Never despise small beginnings, the giant oak tree slumbers in the acorn, the bald eagle waits patiently in the egg. If you are consistent, and if you commit to put in the time, you will become an expert, and it is your expertise that is the doorway to your financial success. Derek Walker 3 Secrets To […]
Its Time to Change Your Beliefs
Have you ever found that reciting affirmations did nothing, even after several months, maybe even years? Do you want to know why? You don’t believe them. They are statements that don’t ring true for you and you know that or you wouldn’t want to keep affirming they are true. The mind is tricky, but its […]
How to Discover Your True Purpose
When I first started my new business, I needed help with everything. I was in the discovery stage, and not aligned with my purpose, I didn’t even know what my business would be at all. I had a vision, but that’s all it was…a vision.I was a massage therapist with a thriving practice, but after […]
How to Undo the Fear of Failure…and Success
Amazing how simple it is to undo fear, with The Work of Byron Katie. I just spent the weekend with her at the Omega Institute. What happened to me? I woke up in the morning with the thought: I’m afraid it’s not going to work. It doesn’t matter what isn’t going to work, it could be anything, but […]
Radio Interview with Lisa Natoli- Spiritual Coaching
Here is a great interview with me & my gorgeous friend Monica Dubay on Unity Online Radio about eliminating sabotaging beliefs. Make sure to stay tuned for the second half of the show (after the break) in which Monica gives a guided meditation that you won’t want to miss! Click here for the recording Monica Dubay was healed of […]
Set the Goal of Financial Freedom
“If you desire something, and then deny that you desire it, that’s cowardice and spiritual laziness. And what’s more, it’s a lie.” Edwene Gaines, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Do you set goals for yourself in your life and business? I never liked to, and thought it was greedy. I shied away from issues […]
How to Heal Your Money Blocks in 2 Hours
Do you want to be wealthy? Does the very word turn your stomach? Do you know why? You have money blocks! Your mind blocks you from allowing wealth into your life if you think thoughts like: I don’t deserve to be wealthy, If I have more than others they will judge me, or I’m not good […]
How to Determine Your Readiness for Transformation
Is This You? How to Determine Your Readiness for Transformation Are you frustrated by feeling stuck? not feeling fulfilled in life or business? anxious about your future? not sure of your purpose? want to have impact but don’t know how to get there need direction and support? I work with people who want more from […]
The 3 Biggest Blunders That Keep Entrepreneurs From Taking the Next Step in their Business and What to Do About It.
Do you wake up at night in a panic, feeling you’ve got to make a move, but you’re paralyzed? Do you feel there’s something wrong with you because you’re not exited to keep doing what you’ve been doing? Chances are you’ve reached an upper limit problem? What’s the upper limit problem? The upper limit […]
How to Cultivate a Gratitude Practice
By Monica Dubay Why should we cultivate a gratitude practice? I often think it’s a term that’s bantered around a lot without giving it real significance. I have found that if we don’t appreciate the wonderful things in life, we miss out. So much of the time, we are stressing about things that may […]
New Free 60 Minute Class on Happiness
Here’s a link to my latest 60 minute class that heals the mind and shifts you out of fear. It has a guided healing from the beginning and a talk on the Course in Miracles, Lessons 65 & 66, how to choose happiness, in the midst of chaos or fear. These two lessons are so […]
How to Set Simple Goals for Your New Business
Why set goals for your new business? Answer: You must know what you want in order to be able to measure your results. If you want to have a successful business, that is. If you don’t have a plan, you will flounder, it’s guaranteed. Waste time, stay distracted and unfocused. And stagnate… That’s where […]
Now An International Bestselling Author
I am humbled by the success of our empowering book Midlife Transformations published by Inspired Living Publishing. All 29 stories in this book, mine included!, inspire women everywhere to move through our self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and take a chance on finding our true connection to our life purpose. Please order your copy today on […]
How to Release Fear in 8 Steps and 12 Minutes
You know those incessant thoughts that keep you up at night, when your mind races and worries about tomorrow, the next day, next year…what might happen later just take you over? You toss, you turn, you get up, you try reading, making to do lists, anything…but something won’t let you sleep. Do you want a […]
21 Minute Forgiveness Meditation
In these times of turbulence, this powerful 21 minute forgiveness meditation is my gift to you. I hope this 21 minute meditation will help you to move beyond judgment and fear and open up to the light within you. It includes a healing of your inner child as well. Thank you for your dedication to […]