Love your “enemies”: How to forgive

I found myself in a quandary recently with a friend who accused me of something I felt I did not do. I asked for help and my guide showed me how to use a firehose to send a blast of love to her. Here is how it works: I open the top of my head, allow the light and love to flow down through into my heart center. Give it a moment to feel it, experience it. Allow the energy to radiate into my head, neck shoulders upper back, front of heart and blast it from my heart into that person’s heart center.

Give it a few minutes. It is just a reminder of who she is that is being given as I do this. It is real. Don’t underestimate the power of love! It can heal anything, a disease, a false idea, an egoic identity that has turned from the light. It is the most powerful thing in the universe. When a dark shadow appears, when someone attacks you, it is imperative to know that love must be given and extended, because it is what releases the stuck energy that is denying it.

In truth, there are no “enemies”, but there are those that challenge us to either love or hate, to judge or have compassion. I have been there, I know what it feels like to be caught in the victim mind. We all have and are not proud of how much time we have spent there. But we do have the power of choice and must exercise it.

Darkness is a problem that is based upon the choice not to know the truth. That is all, and the truth is that love is what you are. Many beings haven’t chosen to know who they are, which is fine until it is directed at you and you feel the pain of it. Now what? Jesus is very clear in the Course, “forgive and you will see this differently”. But sometimes we don’t know how to forgive. That’s OK, because he does and he will help you remember.

My job and yours (should you choose to accept it) is to free the mind of darkness. The dark mind is my mind! The egoic identity is always selfish and self-seeking which is not really extending anything. It has no real power, its just turned in upon itself and is stuck in an idea. Yet, it isn’t fun and when you are in it, you do need help to get out of it. A simple choice to free yourself and your “friend” who has turned on you is all you need. The light does the rest. But it is work and to apply this truth, it takes focus and you have to put your attention on love, on the idea that you come from a loving God and that He knows how to extend through you.

Do it and see how easy it is.

So try the above exercise. See how it works for you. Do it 5 times a day if you want. Find those who you have difficulty with and free them right now. You are never alone, all thoughts have power. And you will find that the more you extend love to those who challenge you, the more love you will experience. You can’t make anyone do anything or accept anything they are unwilling to accept. That is not your job. Your job is to experience it yourself and send it whenever a challenge or a “call for love” comes into your awareness. You have nothing to say about their acceptance. They will do it now or later, it is inevitable because “the tolerance for pain is high but not without limit”.

Love your enemies, bless those that persecute you, do good to them who spitefully use you...this is the commandment of our Savior and during this time of Christmas, isn’t it time we all took it seriously? Love heals all and you are never alone. You have guides, angels, ascended Masters at your side. Use them! Free yourself and love all today. What if everyone on the planet did this today? Imagine what your holiness can do!


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