If you want to know what your beliefs are, listen to how you talk to yourself all day long.  How does that barrage of thoughts make you feel?  If it makes you feel bad, you are about to open to a new way of living where you choose to feel good and think those thoughts that align with feeling good and feeling happy.  A belief is only a thought you continue to think, something you either have experienced as true for you, or you accepted it from someone else.

Beliefs can be changed instantly. How?

  1. Decide you want a different belief, one more in alignment with the power and will of your inner being of love.
  2. Read a lesson from A Course in Miracles. This presents a new idea for you to embrace and accept.  For example, God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
  3. Practice the idea throughout the day.  On the hour, on the half hour.  Write it down.  Repeat it whenever anything upsets you.
  4. Imagine how you would feel knowing that this new idea is actually true: For example:  I am the light of the world. How would that feel if it were really your experience.
  5. Accept it, walk around feeling how it feels within your body.  Tell everyone you meet the same lesson silently throughout the day:  For example:  You are the light of the world. There is nothing your holiness cannot do.

There are 365 lessons in the mind training of A Course in Miracles.  Each of these thoughts allows you to change from victim to the powerful creator that you are. The goal of the Course is joy and peace.  A peace that cannot be shaken by anything that happens to you in the dream.

This may astound you to know that you have all power and can heal anything, be anything, accomplish anything you want.  It is a far cry from being trapped in a victim dream.  And we want you to realize that when you decide you want to dream another dream, the universe responds and gives you this new song to sing.  You simply have to get excited about it, become joyful with the possibility of what you could do or be.  Then you can start to imagine yourself doing all sorts of wonderful things with your life, with your friends and family.

You can imagine yourself in any way that you choose. Isn’t that so?  Your imagination has no limits.

Try it.  Love is all around you and is within you.  So imagine that light within you growing into a flow of energy from crown to tailbone and out the bottom of your feet.  Feel it, energize it and accept it as true.

This 25 minute healing meditation can be found here and on the right column on this blog home page, it will guide you to experience more peace, more joy and more forgiveness. It heals mind and body, by directing light energy using the breath and release of emotions.



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