How a breakup can free you

I wanted to ask my readers who they are and what they are looking for, if they read the Course, or not and why. Do you seek spiritual guidance on the net? Where do you usually find it?

I think that most people looking for spiritual guidance are like I was a few years back, 1990s to be exact. I remember feeling lost and confused, and seeking some help. I had been reading the Course for several years, even teaching it in small groups, but I wanted more, I wanted to connect and to know there were other people like me. I felt very alone most of the time and I didn’t feel that people around me were necessarily on a similar path. I needed a sense of community so that my experiences of spiritual growth could be shared.

I would like to alleviate some of that loneliness and start a community of like-minded people seeking true freedom.

I have been thinking that you, the reader may want to do a program such as the Course but are dismayed by the size of the book and want to understand the basic ideas behind it. You may be overwhelmed and not sure about how the Course could help you. Perhaps you have studied it for a while but feel that you need some deeper understanding of the principles and ideas.

Please respond with your answer to the following:

1. Why read a blog about A Course in Miracles? What are you looking for?
2. Do you do the lessons? If so, what is your ultimate goal in reading the lessons? If not, why not? Do they intimidate you in any way?
3. Would you be interested in a 12 week course on the Course?

I am deeply interested in you and want to open up a dialogue so that we can begin to help each other.

Please email me or comment below with your answers. I so appreciate it as this will help me to focus more on what you want from this masterpiece we call A Course in Miracles.



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