What is great love?  Do you want it, do you have it?  Do you feel you have missed the boat or that you are seeking and not finding it?  Guess what?  You may be looking in the wrong place.

What if you were absolutely certain that love was not something to find, but already resides within and you felt it every day and every moment?   You were certain of the security of love, of the constant abiding love that you are?  Would your life be different? You bet it would.  This is not a theory, but a practice that requires your attention and dedication.

I always thought if I found the right partner, I would have someone to share my life with and then would be happy.  So I kept looking for the right one and married three times.  I don’t regret any of it, believe me.

My biggest lesson has been to realize that love isn’t something to seek.  I have been through the loss of partners and lost custody of children, lost my teacher, both parents, my sister when I was 4, and they all taught me the same lesson:  I am the thing I seek.

How did I learn this?  The hard way, through lots of experience of loving and losing and then finally discovering the secret to the universe.

What helps me the most?

  1. Meditation and mind training – Most of the time we just react to things that happen, but when you put yourself first and meditate, you find that your mind can change. Your thoughts are the problem, and the release of them is the solution. A Course in Miracles is a proven method, if you start with one lesson per day, it is guaranteed to change you. 5 minutes per day to a new you?  How hard is that?
  2. Find your light – The big revelation comes when you open to the possibility that your problem has already been solved. You may not know this yet, but the Master Jesus taught us this important lesson:  You are the light of the world, you have all power, and you can accomplish anything you choose.  You know it to be true when you ask to be healed of the deep subconscious pain of being separate.
  3. Know you cannot lose it – if you find love within yourself, you cannot ever lose it, because it isn’t apart from you.  This brings immense freedom and joy.
  4. Realize your life is eternal – Life isn’t of time, it isn’t going to end, the you that thinks you are separate is the problem, but when you get to the bottom of your pain, it will finally vanish, freeing you from the idea that you could ever be alone, lost, or in need of anything. But you have to go to the depths of your denial to become free from this state of mind.  Ask yourself every day:  who am I?
  5. Embrace change and free the fear – I know it seems hard to embrace the unknown, but really?  If what you know has brought you suffering, loss and death, then what have you got to lose by embracing the unknown…what if it opens up your heart and mind to a new experience of you?
  6. Decide for peace – if conflict can be given up by your decision to see your situation differently, then why wait to make this choice?  Try Lesson 15, The Power of Decision is My Own.  I can decide to forgive, to free myself of the guilt of the past.  The past is over anyway.  You maintain it in your mind in thought, but you can stop.  The miracle occurs when you decide you would rather be at peace.
  7. Give! Give so much that nothing else matters. It is selfish, because it makes you totally happy.  Think of someone else today, free him of the bondage of needing something by giving and learning that you are never lacking anything.  Your brother is you and is waiting for your freedom to be free himself. Lesson 137 states:  When you are healed, you are not healed alone. 

Hope this helps you today!



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