My only function here is to be happy.  Is that difficult?  At times, yes!  I cannot be happy if you are not.  I have to extend my light, my joy into your mind, because you are me!  I have recently taken up massage to offer my love and healing energy to everyone.  I find myself so happy after I have done this, that I cannot imagine what took my so long to do it.

I have been in the healing arts for a long time and have trained my mind and have been miraculously healed of every disease, including depression and anxiety.  I only know that I asked for help all along the way and the answers kept coming in.  All forms of lack, littleness and fear are being removed from my mind.  I came to offer this healing light energy to the world.  I don’t have any other function.

I love A Course in Miracles.  It is what healed me entirely of my dream of death.  I know that I am eternal and therefore so are you.  I cannot continue to pretend that this is not true.  Human minds are really pathetic in that they always misuse their mind.  It is time to really become aware that surrender is the key. A relinquishment of my ideas is how I give myself to the totality of the experience of oneness, of love, of divinity.

Thank God there is a loving God who knows not of death, sickness, suffering or fear.  He knows not of it.  He has already healed your mind of this idea.  Your job is just to accept it.  Can you accept that you are perfect, whole and complete.  A perfect reflection of His Love?

Wayne Dyer has been teaching this on PBS recently and I am always amazed at the simplicity of the message.  It is great.  It is time.  I love knowing that the message of divine love is the one thing the human consciousness is finally embracing.  It is the Answer to all the conceivable problems of human existence.

My suffering and depression led me to A Course in Miracles.  It is really amazing how it occurred.  It is a simple story.  Basically, Jesus woke me up out of my dream of death, fear and anxiety.  I had had enough pain.  I asked for help and I was given A Course in Miracles.  This is demonstrated beautifully in the movie: A Course in Miracles Unleashed.

Love came and got me and showed me that all this was an illusion and that I didn’t belong in an illusion.  It was dramatic and ecstatic and I left this world.  This is really only one experience of a continuing reunion I have with God and all my brothers.  I connect into the ONE MIND all the time. I feel more and more in love every moment.  I cannot believe this has happened and I am so grateful.

I can only give of myself right now totally and feel this love flowing through me.  Can you feel it?  I am here.  There are many awakened brothers on the planet now bringing in a lot of light.  I hope you find your connection to this light and write to me.  I am so grateful that you have found this light and are learning that it is all you want.  IT IS EVERYTHING.

Jesus led me into this light along with the Master Teacher and many awakened minds who are with me. Let me know if you need any help.  I can only give, because God only gives.  Giving is the only way to experience abundance, pure, full abundant love that is what you are.  Give, give and give more than you feel comfortable giving.  It is the key to happiness.

You can only give to yourself, there is only ONE MIND… so give totally and you will know who you are.  Keep giving to everyone and everything.  Don’t worry about the future, or how you will survive.  You will be given all the support you need if you only give.  You will discover yourself and your loved ones all around you are only waiting for you to give yourself to them!

What have you got to lose?  You cannot lose if you always give.  You receive as you give.  You are ONE MIND.  There is no loss because God is love and you are that love.  I know it seems simple. IT IS! Because God is total simplicity.  There are no complications in love.  You complicate it.  You put demands on it.  Just let it be what it is and you will be free.  Just be yourself and give and you will know who you are.

Love and blessings!



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