7 Steps to Use Faith to Change Your Life
Do you hate it when people say: keep the faith? Do you feel they are just being a Pollyanna? Keep the faith, yeah right.
I used to feel this way, how ridiculous, I thought. They don’t know my story of how things didn’t work out the way I wanted. How I am so unhappy because, well…you can fill in the blank. Lots of things don’t work the way I want them to.
Keep the faith? In what? When I was depressed I truly couldn’t see what I was supposed to have faith in.
What does it mean to have faith, really? I wanted proof. I wanted to know that there is a reason to have faith. In what? Not in something outside of me that will wave a magic wand and everything will be honky dory. I’m not that silly.
So, if I’m honest, in my current life, something could be better. I could have more abundance for instance.
What do I do? I get frustrated, then I use that to demand a change.
This happened just the other day, I lost my bank card and didn’t know it and was on my way home to Massachusetts from visiting my kids in NYC. I went to buy gas and there was no card. Gone. I looked everywhere in the car, the wallet, my pockets. Nope, not there.
I asked the clerk if they would take a check, they said no. I stood there, not knowing what to do. I don’t use credit cards anymore, so I waited and just got quiet. Finally the clerk personally gave me $10 and I wrote him a check. I got back to my car and screamed…this is enough! I have had enough of this!
Everything shifted within me. Without that frustration, I would stay in fear and just accept the situation, whether I like it or not. Do I like where I am? No. Time to make a change.
How about you? Let’s get honest. Is your current life satisfying you? Yes or no?
How do you perceive yourself? Lacking? Doubtful? Frustrated?
Frustration can be used to bring you into a desire for something else. In that sense, it can be extremely useful. It challenges you to grow, to expand…to make a change.
Do you want more joy, more freedom of mind, more money? You simply open to an idea that your life could be better. Here’s the key: you don’t have to know how.
That’s where faith comes in. Yet is faith only a wish for an outcome?
When Jesus healed the woman who touched his garment, he said, “by your faith are you healed”. It seems to me he was praising her for believing in him and in his God-given power of healing. Faith healing is a powerful thing and could happen at any moment. The fact is that she knew it was possible, certain even, so she was healed.
So, faith is simply a belief in something possible that is not currently in your experience.
You accept, first of all, that you don’t see everything, your perception and your hearing are too narrow. You don’t have the big picture.
So you begin by having a little faith that there might be something better, that anything is possible. Maybe if you have faith then miracles could happen, which are sudden shifts in perception within your own mind.
But where are you? Do you doubt this? Are you using the power of your mind to decide what you want, to have faith in it, and to allow it?
Here are 7 steps to use faith to change something:
- I make a decision to let this change first within me.
- I ask for what I desire to occur, (I’m very specific about what it is).
- I make sure I am not blocking or resisting it. If I feel resistance, I repeat “unblock”.
- I have faith that it is already happening in divine timing.
- I imagine what it feels like to have it happen.
- I give thanks for it being accomplished.
- I let go of any attachment to the outcome.
How does this work?
I first allow the change to take place inside, I change my belief about it. I just decide I will allow it. (I am pretty good at this, it has been my whole life’s purpose to learn how to change beliefs).
I don’t resist change. It’s effortless because I’m not resisting. I let go so that the situation changes without my help. I allow reality to be what it is.
As within, so without. Everything is possible. I don’t demand, I just ask, trust and let go. I stay uncertain and notice the change that is occurring in me. How do I feel about it now?
The outer reality reflects the inner…your mind affects your experience. This is quantum thinking which simply means that cause and effect are not apart. You thoughts affect your experience in every moment. So use them to help you!
Because you are a creator, you have the power to decide what you want to experience. But you have to allow it, to release your control and your concern over how or when it is happening or not.
What gets in the way?
Your own disbelief in the power of your mind. In other words, your own doubt. Doubt or faithlessness kills your dream of happiness. “Umm maybe it won’t work”, you can hear yourself say. If you think it won’t, guess what?
Doubt is a killer.
No one can stop you from thinking thoughts of lack or doubt. No one can deny you the thoughts you are making up, because you have the power to think them. The only question is, do you like the result?
So, when you kill faith by doubting, you suffer the consequences. It has nothing to do with anyone else. You could stop doubting and trust. Just think a different thought.
I trust in the power of my mind to heal and be healed.
Faith energizes the idea that all possibilities exist, because in truth, all things are possible.
If you trust that all is well and have confidence and faith that things are working out, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Say to yourself: I have faith that all things are working out for me. I trust in the benevolence of the Universe to bring me into greater happiness every day. I am sustained by the love of God.
How does it feel to say this?
A faithful person brings light and blessings to everyone she meets. She feels energetic, calm, trusting in the power of life itself, to regenerate, to shift, change and expand.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be like a child who knows that love is what she is? Remember how simple life seemed then? You were open to new things, you got excited with new ideas, new projects, and new friends.
So when you have faith in goodness and love, it becomes proof that you feel better when you have faith. Do it for this reason alone…it feels good.
You learn to simply allow life to unfold as it does. You don’t argue with reality, you just allow it to be what it is. You accept it, trust in it and live in the present moment. I know it seems crazy, but it works. I have proved it over and over again.
You do get to have and be all that you desire, because you already are, whether you know it or not.
Faith in a benevolent Universe, at the very least, will bring you hope rather than doubt. It feels better in the moment that you think these thoughts: I know it’s possible. I don’t know how it will work out, but I believe it will. I’m excited about it!
Your happiness is coming to you right now in ways you can’t even imagine. Don’t block it with doubt.
When I think I am not where I want to be, I suffer. When I accept that I am in the right place at the right time, I feel great! So, even if it doesn’t turn out how I want, I’m happy.
Happiness is not earned, it is recognized and accepted. You could be happy right now if you would just decide to be. Even if you’re depressed, love your depression, embrace it…be totally depressed. Allow it to bring you to the bottom, to the crux of the problem, which is always you, your thoughts, your perception.
The fix is in.
The problem is that you never question the reality of your problem. You insist on it and don’t experience that can be resolved. Have faith, faith that it is possible because if you did, just for an instant, you would have a new experience.
Your life would change and you would be amazed at how easily it worked.
Belief is powerful indeed.