You are as God created you, and so is every living thing you look upon, regardless of the images you see.

This sentence from Chapter 31, The Final Vision, states that what you behold as sickness, pain, weakness, suffering and loss “is but temptation to perceive yourself defenseless and in hell. Yield not to this, and you will see all pain, in every form, wherever it occurs but disappear as mists before the sun. A miracle has come to heal God’s Son, and close the door upon his dreams of weakness, opening the way to his salvation and release.”

So the miracle occurs when you ask for it, and you get on your knees and ask to see it all differently, and your misperceptions are healed. The miracle happens because the entire dream is made up by you, and if that is not acceptable to you right now, fine. But know that ultimately, you will accept it, because not to is too painful.

Staying a victim of a world of perception is not really a wonderful or even viable option. It will become too painful to hold onto this idea, because victimization is not happy, it doesn’t work. Accepting responsibility for the thoughts you are thinking is the only way out. Pain releases when you ask for help and accept the help given. The world of love and light opens up in response to your call.

I know because it happened to me.

I was in a state of total despair and depression, and once I started doing the lessons, my entire being changed from darkness to exiliration and fearlessness. Over time, the whole purpose of my life changed from a selfish pursuit of the things of the world, to come alive and to awaken and become totally free, mentally and emotionally and spiritually.

In the act of relinquishment, my ideas of suffering were all burned up and taken from me by the grace of the light all around me, the Christ Mind. It is what I am and what you are, so it is inevitable that you will accept it at some point.

Don’t be discouraged if you have been at this for a long time and still feel pain. I know how that is, but I also know that it is a trick of ego mind to think you have to wallow around in it. You do have choice.

You always have the power of decision at your disposal.

The question then becomes, when? When will you choose to become free, fearless, in a state of love and harmony, knowing who you are, extending that light into the world. When? When you have had enough suffering I suppose.

This does require that you take time to do the mind training, that you spend time in prayer, that you serve your brother, that you give of yourself ceaselessly. Because that is the key to happiness, giving constantly to awaken and help other to do the same. A spiritual focus is imperative to a happy, fulfilled life. Your purpose is to awaken and free your mind if you decide that it is. And why not? Misery and death do not exist. God has already saved you from your little nightmare.

Nothing is accomplished by an untrained, undisciplined mind. Peace does come when all need for conflict is given up. When this happens can be determined by you. How much do you want peace? How much energy are you willing to devote to it?

Repeat this prayer in times of temptation to believe in your suffering:

I am as God created me.
His Son can suffer nothing.
And I AM His Son.


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