How to wake up to the Real You using A Course in Miracles

Do you want to change your life but you don’t know where to start?

DO you find you cannot make sense of your life and no matter what you do, you still are afraid?

You just might  want  to try A Course in Miracles.

Who does it and will it help me?
People come to the Course from all religions and no religion. It doesn’t matter what your past beliefs or convictions are, because it is always giving you an alternative to your past experience. You will most likely love it, hate it, deny it and run from it. Doing these simple lessons will lead show you your fear and then relieve you of it.

Relinquish your fear now.
Transformation is a fundamental relinquishment of your ideas of God, yourself, time, space, bodies, good, evil, sickness, pain, birth and death. The entire dream of duality is made up by you and it isn’t true, none of it. Reality is ONE, beyond the ideas of good and evil. The dualistic dream of good versus evil is a made up story that has been going on for a very long time and when you don’t want it any more, the alternative shows up.
Because you have all power, the power of choice, you can decide to see this differently.

If you can begin by forgiving yourself for dreaming the dream, you will make great progress.
You don’t have to believe what the Course says, because as a separate identity, you don’t. So you will probably not come into the “range of teachability” that you need until something drastic or painful happens. You cannot get out of hell or a state of separation from God until you recognize that you are in hell to begin with.
You won’t let your beliefs go until you know what they are and that they are impeding your progress toward total happiness. Ask yourself: are you willing to let your beliefs be challenged and your thought system changed?

On a very fundamental level your beliefs in this separate existence are confronted by love.

Love is all there is, yet is it what you experience moment to moment, each day? No? Of course not, because you do not know who you are. You are asleep.

What is Ego?

A self-constructed human condition of limited consciousness which constitutes you as a closed thought system. It is totally unreal, and has no power over the Real You whatsoever.
What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is an experience, not a doctrine. Light and clarity comes into your mind when you open up to a new experience of yourself and surrender the conflict of your self-constructed false identity. The more you do this, the more release becomes natural to you. The experience of true eternal peace is beyond your idea of peace. It isn’t dull or boring, it is full of passionate love and joy. There is absolutely nothing you can bring to this except your willingness to be undone.
Enlightenment is a fierce undoing.

It requires courage, persistence, dedication, fearlessness, and the willingness to look at all aspects of your dark ideas. You made them up and you maintain them. If you don’t like your dark dream, admit it. You cannot awaken if you don’t ask for help and if you aren’t experiencing peace, it is because you have not invited into your experience.
You are using your power to be at the effect of your dark dream, the separate you a state of darkness.

This dark dream gives you the experience of separation because it is a result of the incessant fear thoughts that you entertain.
The fact that you are not aware of your real thoughts, God’s thoughts, namely the lessons of the Course, is because you assume a false position. You assume that you are a victim of the world you see. This is evidenced in this crucial lesson which corrects the victim role you falsely maintain. It states, I am not a victim of the world I see.
How to get out of the dream of death?
The mind training and miracles or corrections of the thought patterns does everything for you. Your inner guidance will take over and bring you into this new realm of truth and love. Just be open, have faith and be willing to have a new experience. Allow for something greater to occur within your mind, something you haven’t conceived of and cannot fathom.

God is greater than your idea of Him.
The Course offers a daily lesson that reminds you that your present state of total happiness is beyond your concepts. It is found within you because that is where God placed it. Your denial of this fact, of this perfect YOU, has put you in fear. Fear of death, fear of life, fear of yourself and of your brothers and sisters.

Yet, the final fear is of the love of God.

It is the height of insanity to fear your Creator, wouldn’t you agree? This fear has no effect. God still loves you no matter what your fears tell you. He knows not of your dream. He already gave you the Answer.

Forgive and you will see this differently.
What will it take to finally accept the fact that love is what you are? I don’t know. It all depends on you, your nightmare, your particular stories you tell yourself and whether you are sick and tired of them.
Anyone can awaken if they decide they want to above all else. It is completely natural to awaken from a dream, especially a nightmare of separation and loss and death.
The introduction states that “free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”
I love you and know you as myself.



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