The secret to living without fear lies in one thing only: your desire to get rid of it. All creative and healing endeavors require you to move through fear. All desires of the heart to grow, to give and to love in all conditions require courage and faith. Remember, love and fear cannot coexist, as Jesus states this very early on in the Urtext in the section called Fear as Lack of Love:
Fear cannot be Christ-controlled, but it CAN be self-controlled. Fear is always associated with what does not matter. It prevents Me from controlling it. The correction is therefore a matter of YOUR will, because its presence shows that you have raised the UNIMPORTANT to a higher level than it warrants. You have thus brought it under your will, where it DOES NOT belong. This means YOU feel responsible for it. The level confusion here is perfectly obvious.
Here’s a proven way to free yourself from fear within a few minutes when it arises:
- First of all, know you made it up. Its unimportant, but you think its real, and you will have fear because you forgot you are a mind, not a body. It is up to you to release it. Resistance is fear, but Jesus states in the New Testament, resist not evil. It’s unimportant. Don’t resist what is silly. Yes, you do experience fear and it will arise when you feel the threat to your survival…yet if you want total freedom and happiness, just recognize it and see it as growth toward freedom. When you accept that it is fear that causes you to grow, you will not listen to it.
- Deep breathe for 10 minutes. Fear has no real source because all fear is based upon a lie. There is nothing to fear. You have made a state of separation, you think its true, but, you are not the thing that fears, you are the spirit beyond all the emotions. You can breathe deeply for 10 minutes deep into your belly. Alllow it to release and if your mind wanders, just breathe. If thoughts appear, just say “oh well” and breathe some more. Try it.
- See yourself moving through the veil of fear, or lifting it off you. Can you imagine what it would be like to easily remove this fear from your mind? It is work to free yourself from fear, but its better than listening to fearful thoughts. They only make you crazy.
- Listen to your heart, not your head. Get quiet and go within for a moment. Really let go and ask for help to see the situation differently. God wills you perfect happiness, this means you can trust Him. Listen to His voice within you. Ask and listen, and you will receive the answer from deep within you. It takes a little willingness and great persistence to set yourself free.
- Have courage to face your fear and go within. Listening to God’s guidance or the small voice inside, the one that speaks to you softly, encouraging you. Listening to this voice is the only way out of fear forever. As you get comfortable with the practice, when fear arises, you will know what to do. Growth is accomplished by releasing fear and learning to trust.
- The 25 minute healing meditation here can facilitate a shift away from fear, disease, unforgiveness and clears the chakras to allow more love and light into your awareness. Take just 25 minutes to free your mind from fear. Do it now. The world needs you to be fearless.