You know those incessant thoughts that keep you up at night, when your mind races and worries about tomorrow, the next day, next year…what might happen later just take you over?
You toss, you turn, you get up, you try reading, making to do lists, anything…but something won’t let you sleep.
Do you want a simple practice that will help?
When fear arises and obsesses you, try this simple exercise. A few moments of peace in the middle of the night would help, right?
First, tell yourself: I want peace. Peace is my birthright.
Now do this:
- Sit down. Bring your attention into your heart space, the center of your chest. 30 seconds
- Take 10 deep belly breaths through the nose. Give the exhale a complete release, pause, then inhale for 2 minutes. If there is discomfort, breathe even deeper into the belly.
- Now imagine a small sphere of golden light in the center of your chest. If you can’t see it, that’s OK. Give it 1 minute.
- Thank your heart for working so well for you every day, ask it to please slow down. 30 seconds
- See the sphere of light grow until it radiates out into your whole torso. 3 minutes.
- Now imagine the fear or what it represents is an image about 6 feet in front of you. It could be a person or a situation…just see it visually in front of you. 1 minute. Got it?
- Send the golden light from your heart to that image, like a firehose of light, no matter what it is or if you can see it or not. Repeat “I forgive you”. 2 minute
- Envelop yourself in light and repeat “I forgive you” to yourself. 1 minute
- Give thanks. 1 minutes.