How to Set Simple Goals for Your New Business

Why set goals for your new business?
Answer:  You must know what you want in order to be able to measure your results.
If you want to have a successful  business, that is.
If you don’t have a plan, you will flounder, it’s guaranteed. Waste time, stay distracted and unfocused.  And stagnate…
That’s where I was in the beginning, exploring my options and wondering what to do next. I had an idea, but I didn’t know how to bring it to fruition.  Is this you?
Here are the crucial first steps that gave me the start I needed.
  •  First I hired a coach… Some coaches think they can be a coach without having one themselves. Does that ever work? No. Because Without your commitment to your own growth, you will not attract others who want coaching. Simple.
  • My coach helped me change all that, she really understood who I was and where I was stuck. After I hired her, everything changed.
  •  I began by visualizing what I wanted the business to become, with the financial goals first. What kind of money did I want to earn in 3 months? The first year? I set a big money goal for the year and put it on a big poster and hung it up in my bedroom.
I set the specific goals I would have to reach to make that money. Once I got clear about this, I could measure how I did.I listed my specific gifts and skills and came up with a mission and vision for the business. It wasn’t that hard, but very important. Without a mission and vision, you will lack clarity and not attract clients.
Second, I needed foundational pieces, like how I would work with people, what business structure and strategy I wanted to use for getting clients. I needed to start earning right away because I had no other income at the time so I was committed and determined. Yet focused.
I got clear about one thing—that my business was important for me and those I serve.  I was born to do this and I stuck to my own vision.  I learned to value what I bring to the table and honor myself for all the years of work on myself and others. The recognition of my own value is vital to my confidence and I love how I help people find their own vision for their life too.
Third, I  set my 90 day goals. But I had to focus on three goals only. This was hard for me, I had about 10 goals in the beginning. I was overwhelmed when I looked at them and didn’t know where to begin.  After narrowing it down to  just three goals, I determined the action steps needed for each goal: I wrote out the steps I needed to take. I worked on one goal until it was done, then I’d do the next one.
Why is it important to set goals?
Without structure, we  easily lose focus and become distracted. Social media for instance, can be very distracting…keeping us from doing the work.
I learned to turn off distractions, set one goal for the day and do only that. Setting one goal and the action steps for the day made me focus completely. It made a huge difference to know where I was going with a plan for getting there. I couldn’t do everything at once, just one thing at a time.
Lo and behold, it started to work.
Within a few months, I had a website with pages that describe who I am and what I do. I got very clear about my ideal clients. I set terms for who I wanted to serve and became clear about this.
I made a list of their qualities and drew a big circle in my mind and included only those people who met those criteria. I visualized them coming toward me and willing to pay my fee.
Wow, this was powerful.  Yes, I did the footwork. I went to many networking meetings. I talked about what I do and how I help people. I signed up clients and began to work with them and watched them transform. My confidence grew and I felt happy and excited.
It worked!
I got out of my head and out of bed early. I meditated every morning and asked for help from within and listened.
You can too.
Simplify your life. Decide on 3 goals only.  If you need help, get a coach who is focused and has clients who are having breakthroughs.
Love yourself more.  Stay determined to succeed.  You cannot fail if you believe that life is about growth, not struggle.
You and those you serve are important!
I hope this helps you today…don’t forget to leave a comment. I love to respond.
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