This lesson entitled “I could see peace instead of this” is a confrontation. It first of all implies that you are not “seeing” peace. The mind is always upset about something, unless it is at peace. That’s logical, but joy is also peace, so when you are not joyful, you are not at peace.

Be honest. Are you joyful or peaceful right now? Did you know that to “see” peace, means you are the one seeing it or not. You are the one deciding what you are going to see. You have the power to decide what you want to see in every moment. You are telling yourself a story all the time, notice: is it joyful, does it make you happy?

If it is a victim story or a powerless story, you cannot be joyful. So it is time to change your tune and change your story. Sing a different song, dream a new dream.

You only see what you want to see. It is entirely up to you. You project your own thought forms outward from the visual cortex of your brain and call it reality, when in fact it is only a reflection of your thoughts. It makes up your perception and you see only what you project “out there”.

So if you feel anxiety you are thinking fearful thoughts and then seeing fearful images and then you must be feeling anxious. Your constructed situations, personalities or events or “anything else about which you are harboring unloving thoughts” appear to you to be real. They are not, but to you they are! But you are all alone in that. Is it fun?

If you want something different, do this simple exercise. It will help you. Again, it is up to you, do you want it to work?

The idea is to replace those fear thoughts with the idea of peace, then you can feel the change within you. So, if you want to be happy, just do it. Do it for your children, do it for your partner, your friends. Anyone! But do it.

First notice what you are thinking about that feels unlike love: fear, guilt, anger, frustration, anxiety, depression, helplessness, etc. You name it. Write it down. I am upset at…..

Say to yourself “I could see peace in this situation instead of what I now see in it”. Let a door open inside you, let a new thought in, it takes only a moment. You don’t know how to change your mind, of course you don’t that’s why you need help. Let go and give up control.

This is how the mind training works, identify a thought or a bunch of thoughts that you have been telling yourself forever, a belief, and decide you want to see peace instead. Anything that is unlike love will do, apply the new idea, and watch and feel what happens within you.

Now write down the new story you want to tell yourself.

It could go something like this: I am learning to open up, I am learning to let go, I am feeling better about myself and my situation, I am all powerful so I can change how I feel, I am aware that I can decide to see it differently. I choose to see myself differently, I choose to forgive myself of the past, I choose to be happy today, right now. I breathe in love and light from the top of my head and let it fill my entire body. I allow this light to release all negative energies within my body right here and now. I allow them to release out the bottom of my feet and my root chakra. I am aware that I have the power to heal myself.

I feel better now, I realize I can heal myself, I can align my will with God’s Will for me and be happy right now. I am concerned only with this present moment, I can be happy right now. The past is over, the future is not there. I am happy and peaceful and I radiate that into the world right now.

Every experience of the miracle of grace happens in exactly the same way, the fear is released as the love underneath is revealed to you. But you must want this to occur. You have to notice when you are unhappy and ask for a different experience, until then, nothing can change. And stop lying to yourself. Pain, sadness, indignation, anger, stuckness, regret, resentment, hate, fear, guilt are not happy states of mind. They are not justifiable either. You can choose to be free of this now.

When you decide you want peace, you want to see thingsdifferently, then you can have a completely different experience of what was upsetting to you just a moment before. Isn’t that amazing?
That is how powerful your mind is, and it is up to you to decide what you prefer, to be upset, or to see peace instead. How to know what you have decided: how do you feel?

The miracle will occur when you decide you want a miracle, the shift in perception comes about when you give up your upsetting thoughts. Why should you do this? These thoughts make up the world you see. You can decide to see everything differently and to be free of your own misperception right now. This misperception never made you happy anyway, so what have you got to lose?

Remember lesson 6 and 7: I am upset because I see something that is not there… it is already over because “I see only the past”. You are not in the NOW. You are projecting onto the world your thoughts about everything you see.

Is this okay with you? Take responsibility, use your mind to free yourself and stop the insane projection of fear onto the world. It is up to you!

This isn’t hard, its just that you have to do it, you have some work to do to free yourself, yes and it takes some effort on your part to notice your thoughts and ask for help. The Holy Spirit is with you, freeing you by showing you the way. The ascended masters are awaiting your call, they want to help you.

USE THEM. They will enter and correct your thoughts when you invite them in. Jesus and the Archangels are with you now and forever.

It is time for the great Awakening, the second coming. It is up to you to be the second coming, and to choose to be in the light and love of your Reality. DO it for your children, do it for anyone you love. Choose to see it all differently because you are worth it! Your world needs you to wake up and be free so you can help. Take the time to do this today and be happy, for no reason. There is no other reason for you to be here anyway. Choose love, choose peace. Align your will with The Creative Source of the Universe.

Love is all around you and miracles and blessings are available to you in every instant! The truth is that love isn’t like anything you can imagine, but you can feel how it changes you from the inside out. Allow it, be the love that you are. Love and light are your Reality. You are perfect as God created you right now.


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