“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” Yogi Berra
How true this statement is. It seems obvious, but how many people just go through each day without an idea of where they are heading and end up somewhere “else”. And the somewhere else, is where you end up if you don’t have an idea of what you want. You might be floundering, with thoughts of doubt, fear and uncertainty pervading your mind.
The Course in Miracle Lesson “The Power of Decision is My Own” comes to mind. I have to decide, to choose to be happy in order to put and end to the thoughts of disempowerment. The fear, guilt and incessant questioning everything is my own attack upon myself. It doesn’t make me happy.
Today while driving I heard a voice say, “just see yourself where you truly want to be. And then collapse all the time between now and having it come true”.
Immediately I felt uncertain because I didn’t really know what I wanted in that moment, or I didn’t think I did. Here are three steps I use to get clear and focused on where I am heading.
- What do I really want? I have to go into my heart to find out. I have to explore my deepest desire right now. I only know I want to be truly happy. And if I am not focused on that idea, I am at the whim of circumstance, right? Because every moment I am getting the result of my thoughts.
- I know I want happiness, so I just ask: what do I need to do to be really happy today? See what comes. If you feel resistance, just allow that too. Happiness is not a future state…it only can be experienced right now.
- Now I ask for a real vision of being totally happy, and begin to see it in my mind’s eye: I am walking on the beach, or sitting in a cafe, teaching a group, giving a treatment, or healing someone, or just being alone. It could be absolutely anything and for you it is personal. I know I am happiest when I extend and help free someone to be more joyful, empowered and peaceful.
- OK, now just let go of “how” it will happen, because that’s not your job. Your job is to ask to be happy and to release the need to work it out. Most days are just wonderful when you get out of the way and allow God to show up in ways you had nothing to say about.
Here’s whats been happening since I started doing this:
I am now living in Maine and staying a while on the beach with my brother and attending great yoga classes at this new center in Portland where I am opening a healing practice. I am really enjoying how everything is opening up and falling into place. I ran into a dear friend from Wisconsin at a cafe in Southern Maine the other day, and she invited me to a church service where I met lots of people like me… it just keeps getting better and better.
Hope this helps you find out where you are going today. Cause you don’t want to end up somewhere else. You deserve better. Yogi thinks so too, check out his book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Yogi-Book-Berra/dp/0761154434