“If you desire something, and then deny that you desire it, that’s cowardice and spiritual laziness. And what’s more, it’s a lie.”
Edwene Gaines, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
Do you set goals for yourself in your life and business? I never liked to, and thought it was greedy. I shied away from issues of money because I thought it wasn’t spiritual. I just wanted to heal people, I thought. Now my business is soaring.
I stopped lying to myself, like Edwene Gaines says.I got honest and set a financial goal every month and I learned something I didn’t realize about myself… I love a challenge! Each month that I set a money goal, I open up to new ideas that generate that much and I get freaking inspired. I wonder: how many people can I reach? I see myself serving more and more people to help them meet and surpass their goals. I love to stretch my vision, offer something new, a bold reach beyond what I’ve done so far. I love being in the ‘zone’ where anything is possible.So, a little while ago, I did just that. I’d been wanting to offer a workshop I had given many times live as a tele-class. It’s called Release Your Money Blocks and Find Financial Freedom. My trusted virtual assistant knew what to do, but I wanted to do it within 10 days, and it usually takes about a month to set it up.
Well, I’m never one to dilly-dally, so I just went crazy and did it. What a whirlwind! I wrote all the emails and the content in 7 days. Each day I faced a new unknown task. Silly me, I just kept going. Even if it failed, I figured, I would learn so much just by going for it.
And yet, to my surprise…it worked! A bunch of people signed up, and after the event, I had a recording of the class. The class was powerful, not only the content, but also because I did something new. I loved the positive feedback from the participants. Honestly, I didn’t realize how effective the content truly was, until I heard the responses. Everyone spoke about how powerful it was because the false money beliefs we cleared during the class were ones that have plagued them for years. They just didn’t know what to do about it. That’s the thing. I do know. I teach you a simple process of release and give you a workbook that shows you how to do it yourself. As a bonus, I also give you a guided meditation that heals your mind of limiting ideas. It’s all yours when you sign up and take the workshop. So, be on the lookout for this workshop. It’s only 2 hours long, and it will be offered for a limited time.
Why should you care? Well, if you already have all the money you want and all the business you can handle, then great. But if not, you just might need this workshop. What will happen to you? If you don’t take it, nothing, you can stay right where you are. But if you do decide you need help, imagine this: Your beliefs, deeply held beliefs that you absorbed just by being in your family, will be gone and you will feel like a new person. The only question you should ask yourself right now is:
Are you ready for a dramatic shift in your money consciousness ?
Imagine being wide open to the abundance of the universe. Your shame and fear around money, is just, well… gone! You embrace your calling with clarity and get support for fulfilling it. Ideas come to you out of the blue that change how you do your business. You simply stretch yourself and reach for the stars! Then, watch how your life changes. All the participants said it catapulted them into fearlessness and they got totally inspired.
Some started new businesses, some quit their jobs and found new ones, one met a man of her dreams, and many were approached by people out of nowhere with business opportunities. And doors opened. My business coach featured me on her newsletter just because I got all uppity. I like being a winner.
Don’t you?
So, set your goal, move into a whole new life of freedom from financial concerns, and know you are worth it. Life is an adventure, right? But if you’re afraid to make a big splash, maybe it’s time to get a little crazy and help change someone’s life today. Isn’t that why you’re here? It just might be your life that changes. Love and blessings! Monica