Do you know you are not guilty of anything? Have you accepted your innocence and become healed of the illusion of separation?
In Chapter 13 of A Course in Miracles, we are given release from all guilt.
When I first read this chapter, I was astonished. I was coming out of depression and these words really spoke to me. It basically says that God did not condemn you, and that if you conceive of yourself as sinful, you are denying God.
God never judges you, you judge yourself as unworthy of His Love and then, you project that onto Him, fearing punishment. It’s completely crazy.
“Love does not kill to save” is the sentence that stands out for me. If God is love, He is only a giver of life. He is the Creator of life, and that life he created is eternal. He doesn’t kill anything, ever.
You are Life, Love, an extension of that Love. There is nothing you can do that would change that. So, to think you are guilty is denying the fact of your eternal nature as Love itself.
You could not blot out what God created and made yourself into a tiny, unworthy self. It’s impossible. Yet, most people do feel deep in their subconscious that they are unworthy of love.
I only know that when I first read this in the Course, I was astonished, having been brought up in a strict Catholic family. Yet, I never understood how we can make ourselves into something God didn’t create. Even as a child, I remember how crazy this sounded.
So, I challenged that belief and by the time I was old enough to make up my own mind, and I let go of the guilt idea altogether. But it still creeps into my awareness, and I’ve noticed we all seem to have it. It’s buried deep in the subconscious mind.
Millions, billions of people on the Earth go around feeling unworthy of love. It’s sad, really. Especially because it isn’t true.
“You may have “sinned” in the past, but there is no past”. It’s over. You can’t make the past real. It’s only a memory in your mind. All guilt is a memory.
What to do?
How about forgiving yourself for believing the past is still true. If you were to take an inventory of all the resentments and bad feelings you have about yourself, and then forgive yourself for thinking these thoughts, you would be free.
I do it this way: I question every belief I hold about myself or others. I ask myself: Is it true? Am I absolutely sure? How do I react when I believe it? Who would I be without this thought? I turn it around and state the opposite.
Imagine all those guilt feelings just melting away in a few minutes.
Once you see that you are making all this up and holding yourself responsible for the guilt, and that you actually have a choice about whether you continue to believe it or not, you will be changed.
This is from The Work of Byron Katie. It’s a very effective method of release that happens miraculously just by your questioning the thoughts.
It’s one way you can decide to see it all differently, and accept your innocence instead.
If you need help, let me know. I watch my clients transform when they realize they don’t have to continue to believe these thoughts. I am amazed at how quickly they move out of the guilt, fear and pain of the past, when we shine a light on these crazy thoughts.
We are here to set each other free of the past. We can learn to laugh at guilt, and recognize we did not create ourselves. Then, and only then, will we be free.
Take a look at Chapter 13, when you have a chance.
I hope this helps you today.