“When I first started coaching, I didn’t know who my clients were. I just knew I could help people with anxiety or depression.  Having been through a bout of severe depression, and finding the answer to it by training my mind, I knew I could coach people through it.  

So I attracted clients who weren’t ready to be coached, they just wanted a quick fix.  They didn’t want to look at the cause of their depression, they wanted to stay stuck.

I quickly learned that knowing who I am attracting to my business is critical to my success.  So, I made a list of all the characteristics of my ideal clients.  

Here it is:  My clients feel aligned with me and my programs, want to move quickly through stuck issues, need and seek spiritual guidance, have a desire for healing the mind, are coachable, are unable to find the solution themselves, are willing to make an investment, are frustrated by being stuck for so long, want a more meaningful life, have hidden talents that are not being tapped, want to make an impact on the world in some way, have an urgent need to get support, willing to do the homework, and want a dramatic shift in their mindset so they can create a life of their dreams..

Once I identified my ideal client’s characteristics, my marketing message really became crystal clear.

I finally got clear about who I wanted to work with, and know their pain, because I was just like this a few years ago when I was looking for my coach.   

I secretly followed her online and watched her free videos.  I noticed I felt so much lighter after tuning into her authentic voice.  It was unmistakable that I had a deep connection to her.

One day, I just sent an email and introduced myself.  I immediately got the help I needed.  It can be that fast.  Why did I wait a year?  Honestly, I wish I hadn’t.  My life has changed dramatically since I found her and started coaching people to live their lives of purpose and find fulfillment.

It just prolongs suffering to stay stuck.  

Do you know who your ideal clients are?  Are you attracting them easily?  Do you speak directly to their pain and address it with your help and guidance, and compassion?  Are you afraid to limit yourself?  

Find your ideal clients, speak to their heart about your solution for them, identify ways that you can help them with each specific problem they have, and you will attract them easily.

If you need support with this, please reach out.  Coaching saves time, it transforms lives.  That’s why I’m so committed to my clients getting their support, because my coach is like that for me.

Business is not tricky, it’s about clarity.  Your mission, your message and your strategy have to all be in alignment.  

Hope this helps you on your journey as you grow and thrive in your business.  

Dream big and shine on!

Monica Dubay

Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life


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