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Tag: enlightenment

Business Support
For Enlightened Powerhouse Women

I am forming a community for women as an extension of my heart’s desire to create a new way of being in the world. Here’s

Spiritual Guidance
Self-Inquiry Master

A true enlightened Being assisting you with your awakening. For the last few days, I have been watching videos from Mooji, an awakened Being who

Spiritual Guidance
Nothing You Cannot Do

To completely know that you have all power and that you can use this power to free yourself is where you come out of victimization.

Spiritual Guidance
My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything

Lesson 10 is one of the most helpful lessons in the Course. If you only did the first 10 lessons every day, you would awaken.

Business Support
You are a creator

Perhaps it is time for you to open to a new possibility that you are a creator, a Son of the Creator with creative abilities.

Business Support
Why have faith?

Man is a faithful animal, but what does he put his faith in? Faith means that in spite of the situation you are in and

Spiritual Guidance
10 Myths About A Course in Miracles

Do you want to know more about A Course in Miracles, but are afraid to ask?  Don’t know where to begin? Find it daunting?  Think its too

Spiritual Guidance
Why do you need a mind training?

Quantum Physics states that cause and effect are not apart. The Law of Attraction states that you get the result of your thoughts instantly. So,

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