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Tag: spiritual awakening

Spiritual Guidance
Coming Into The Light

Everywhere I look I read about the idea that there is only One Mind. This idea stems from the fact of singularity, or One Creator.

Spiritual Guidance
Who is the seeker?

There really isn’t any explanation available to describe the process of awakening. It isn’t a process.Ultimately, you are a seeker and you have been seeking

Spiritual Guidance
What is A Course in Miracles?

Someone asked me to write an introduction to the Course. Well, here it is: Introduction to A Course in Miracles What is A Course in

Spiritual Guidance
Nothing You Cannot Do

To completely know that you have all power and that you can use this power to free yourself is where you come out of victimization.

Spiritual Guidance
When I am healed, I am not healed alone

Healing is freedom. It is shared. Healing is communication, healing is strength.How wonderful to know that you only need ask for healing for it to

Spiritual Guidance
My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything

Lesson 10 is one of the most helpful lessons in the Course. If you only did the first 10 lessons every day, you would awaken.

Business Support
You are a creator

Perhaps it is time for you to open to a new possibility that you are a creator, a Son of the Creator with creative abilities.

Spiritual Guidance
Can’t meditate? Here’s help.

April 22, 2014 Leave a comment Can’t meditate? Here’s help. I just wanted to announce I have added this link to a 25 minute healing audio FREE that

Spiritual Guidance
4 Reasons to Forgive

If you are harboring resentments with someone, which you probably are, even without consciously being aware of it, you need to go within yourself and

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