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Tag: mind training

Business Support
Who Are Your Ideal Clients?

“When I first started coaching, I didn’t know who my clients were. I just knew I could help people with anxiety or depression.  Having been

Spiritual Guidance
A Course of Love – A Surprise

“The world as a state of being, as a whole, has entered a time, brought on largely by A Course in Miracles, in which readiness for

Spiritual Guidance
Coming Into The Light

Everywhere I look I read about the idea that there is only One Mind. This idea stems from the fact of singularity, or One Creator.

Spiritual Guidance
Ahimsa…the practice of non-violence.

I was recently asked to write something about Ahimsa, or non-violence, by my yoga teacher. I am currently in massage school and this is a

Spiritual Guidance
The Third Jesus

I was reading Deepak Chopra’s book, The Third Jesus the other day. I really liked the idea he started with, that Jesus is more than a historical

Spiritual Guidance
Who is the seeker?

There really isn’t any explanation available to describe the process of awakening. It isn’t a process.Ultimately, you are a seeker and you have been seeking

Spiritual Guidance
Simply Do This: Stay Uncertain

In times of complete uncertainty, this is what helps me the most: Simply do this: Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you

Spiritual Guidance
State of Grace

Are you tired of an endless spiritual search that only seems to lead you into more confusion? Do you wonder when you will reap the

Spiritual Guidance
Self-Inquiry Master

A true enlightened Being assisting you with your awakening. For the last few days, I have been watching videos from Mooji, an awakened Being who

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